The series "Collages" (4 sheets)
The open field is the page on which Collective Actions Group has been writing most of its performative texts starting from 1976 when the artists made the first 'Appearance'. Since the very start, each action is always accompanied by documental evidence of its occurrence, often in the form of photographs, kept in the archive, which in its turn is a constituent part of the work of art.
These collages may be considered as a new step in the artist’s strategy of re-working the archive materials and use them as a page on which a new work of art is created. These four digital collages are the 'documental evidence' of a hypertexual dialogue between two spaces―the physical one of the open field where a certain action took place in a certain place and on a certain date with the participation of a certain number of performers and guests―all meticulously recorded in the pages of the 'Trips out of Town'―and the cyber-space from which an array of images with no record of provenance have been taken. These new hybrid spaces that come out as a result expand the historical document of the action adding new meaning in a cryptic play of visual references.