Забрать работу без обрамления можно в шоуруме Set Projects, Гостиный двор, Ильинка 4, 7 подъезд, -1 этаж, с понедельника по пятницу по предварительной договоренности. Обрамленные работы можно получить в багетной мастерской Room 34, Костомаровский пер., 3, строение 5, с понедельника по пятницу с 12:00 до 22:00.
Мы доставляем работы по Москве и принимаем оплату онлайн на сайте. Стоимость доставки — 500₽. Срок доставки — 2 рабочих дня. После оформления заказа с вами свяжется менеджер Set Projects
Elena Elagina was born in Moscow in 1949. Her father was writing books for children, and her mother was a chemist. From an early age, she became interested in both word and image. Since 1979, she has become a regular participant in the actions of the Collective Actions group. As a result, she managed to combine her two contradictory interests in her works. Since then, separate highlighted words can be found in her work, often accompanied by a number of figurative elements providing comments and entering into diverse relationships with words. Since 1990, she has often worked on large-scale projects in collaboration with Igor Makarevich.
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