Забрать работу без обрамления можно в шоуруме Set Projects, Гостиный двор, Ильинка 4, 7 подъезд, -1 этаж, с понедельника по пятницу по предварительной договоренности. Обрамленные работы можно получить в багетной мастерской Room 34, Костомаровский пер., 3, строение 5, с понедельника по пятницу с 12:00 до 22:00.
Мы доставляем работы по Москве и принимаем оплату онлайн на сайте. Стоимость доставки — 500₽. Срок доставки — 2 рабочих дня. После оформления заказа с вами свяжется менеджер Set Projects


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Project artworks
The Series "LETTER" (1 sheet)
Andrey Kuzkin bestows on his father the right to convey a 'very important message'. A photograph of the 30 years old artist Alexander Kuzkin is accompanied by the text: 'You do not know me, I do not know you, but we look at each other and we hope for something else, which is amazing by itself.' Messages coming from the past are still relevant for Andrey, constantly returning to the issue of 'the conventionality of the value of art before the phenomena of time, life and death.' Starting with his early projects, Kuzkin Jr. tested his strength by spending a lot of hours performing seemingly meaningless actions: walking 'circle -wise' in a pool filled with cement; drawing an endless line with a pencil on the wall of the gallery; pedaling a bike to transfer heat to a stone; lying naked in a glass sarcophagus covered with the names of all known dangerous diseases; or cutting on his body
the words 'What is it?'. The fate of his father’s, according his contemporaries, one of the most brilliant artists of the 1970s, who died when he was 33, had become a vector guiding the way his son moved. At 32, Andrey Kuzkin decided to commit symbolic suicide. He immured into 59 metal boxes all the art works he had created until that time together
with all his personal belongings. 'Born again' and outlived his 33rd birthday ― the date that 'long loomed before him, like a stop line' and spurred him to work in a hurry to make the most he could ― he writes a letter on behalf of his father and those who read it get hope.
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